Ron Jones: Flexibility Exercises
Directions: Perform my
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout for maximum benefit and improvement. Directions: These are my favorite “extras” for those that still need a little more improvement after the warm-up and workout. You should generally “static stretch” only AFTER your workout when you are very warm. Static stretches are held for about 20-30 seconds. Relax about half way through to get a more stretch. Breathe into your stretch; don’t force...just flow. You can also pull out certain warm-up exercises in the Dynamic Warm-Ups and add a holding component to them “after” your workouts. You'll notice that I don't have many static stretches listed in comparison to my Mobility Exercises because I have found the Mobility Exercises to be more productive and engaging for most people--myself included. Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises: I recommend that everyone performs a Dynamic Warm-Up daily—they are fundamental to improving your function based on my experiences. “Dynamic” Warm-Ups are designed to increase mobility, flexibility, and stability of joints and core while improving your ability to move properly without pain. I refer to "opening up" a lot in the directions. Opening up means to restore healthy and full ranges of motion in joints. Most of the problems I see with movement are because people are too tight--or locked up--from years of inactivity, injury, or improper training. Give these exercises a try--they have really helped a lot of people including me. UPPER BODY:
These exercises are intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present, RonJones.Org | Back to BodyXercise Library | Site Map (Updated 12.10.07) |
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