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CORE: "1-Leg Extension"
Directions: Perform
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout
for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your
Start face down on all fours.
Position knees directly under hips and
hands directly under shoulders.
Squeeze glutes (butt) of one side and
extend leg straight back.
Keep hips level--do not "hike" up one side
or tilt as you extend.
Hold leg in extended position long enough
to "stabilize" then slowly return to ground and repeat with other side.
As ability allows, try to get leg
"straight" as you extend.
*Note: Place mat or towel under knees to
provide extra padding and comfort.
Review Bird Dog
Tips: This is a great intro for the Bird Dog which
combines a leg extension with an arm extension. The key to doing the
extension is to "squeeze the butt" as you extend and to keep the leg as
"straight" as possible.
Common mistakes are to "hike up" one
side of hip during the leg extension. People do this to shift weight
"off their core" and over the down leg which is more stable. By keeping
the hips "level" you put "more load or weight on the core" and ask it to work
harder--this is the objective! Do not compensate by shifting and hiking
your hips. If you can't get the full straight leg extension with level
hips this is fine--just get whatever extension you can to start. It's
better to have a bent leg with level hips than to shift the hips out of
position just to get the full extension. Another problem is going too
fast. The whole idea is to improve core "stability" which means you need
to hold the extension long enough to control movement (stop most of the
shaking and wobbling) "then slowly and with control" lower the leg and
alternate on the opposing side.
Option: Hold the extension longer than
you need for basic stabilization. For example, extend, stabilize, then
hold for a full 15 seconds before alternating.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 3.7.08)