CORE: "Squirm Crunch"
Directions: Perform
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout
for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your

Sit back at about a 45° angle with arms
straight and reached out to each side. Your heels should almost be
"lifting" off the floor if you have the correct backward lean angle.
Start leaning up as you crunch or "squirm"
one hand through your legs diagonally.
Try to reach for the opposing heel--touch
it if you have enough spinal mobility.
Pull arm back out and lean back into
starting position then repeat on other side reaching in the opposite
Tips: This one can be very challenging if you get
the correct 45° angle and a nice reach through your legs to the heel.
Allow your back to "open up" starting with the low back all the way to the
shoulder area so you can get the squirm reach completed.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 3.7.08)