CORE: "Starfish Crunch"
Directions: Perform
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout
for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your
Work the 'X' patterns!
Start in supine position with arms
stretched out overhead in 'Y' shape and feet about shoulder width apart.
Bring one arm straight up and diagonally
across as you lift the opposing straight leg.
Finish crunch by lightly touching shin or
just come as close as your flexibility allows.
Alternate back and forth each rep as you
work the 'X' pattern crunches across your torso.
Tips: This is a fun one to do, not too hard, and
it's user-friendly. Be sure to work the diagonal 'X' pattern and keep arms
and legs straight as you chop across your upper body.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 3.7.08)