CORE: "Superman Pointer"
(Flutter Kick)
Directions: Perform
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout
for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your

Lie face down in prone position (same
starting position as the Superman Pointer).
Straighten legs and reach arms straight
On one side, squeeze butt muscles then low
back muscles as you lift and extend the leg while also lifting and extending
the "opposing" arm.
Quickly lower leg and arm then repeat
with other leg and arm as if you were swimming with a "flutter kick."
Be sure to keep legs "straight" during the
kicks even when you get tired and to follow the muscle contraction sequence
of: butt then low-back.
Duration: Try working up to a 30-second
Superman Pointer Exercise
Tips: This is very similar the alternating limb
version but much faster. The quick movements provide a different kind of
challenge to the core muscles--or sort of vibratory or oscillation movement that
will also develop the core muscles.
These are good to do, but they are
harder than they look. After about 10-15 seconds it gets really hard to
maintain the "quickness" or oscillation-type movements. Sorry--the still
photos do not really show the quickness part of this exercise. Just
pretend you are swimming with a real "choppy" flutter kick, and you'll be
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 3.7.08)