CORE: "T-Stabilization Lockout +
Directions: Perform
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout
for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your

Start in Military push up position then
perform regular T-Stab Lockout.
At point of lockout, "carefully" abduct or
lift the top leg; stabilize; then return.
Alternate back and forth on both sides on
each repetition.
Review Regular T-Stabilization Lockout Directions
bottom ankle is not perfectly straight; I didn't catch this until seeing the
posted photo--bad Coach! Do your best to keep the ankle in neutral or
Tips: This one is NOT for beginners! With
only two points of contact, the hip and shoulder have major loading factors as
well as your whole core. Without a stabile core, you won't have control
and thus could slip and fall.
Okay this one is a bit extreme!
For those that can handle the extra challenge, this version will provide.
With football players we hold the abduction for 30 seconds and perform 2 sets
on each side; however, they have been through proper progressions with my
personal instruction.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 3.7.08)