RKC 24kg Kettlebell Product Review

Kettlebells & Fitness Products
There are a number of kettlebell (KB)
companies making KBs varying in weight from a few pounds to 106 pounds.
The "RKC" kettlebell is manufactured by the Russian Kettlebell Challenge and
distributed by DragonDoor.Com. The RKC KBs are the Pavel Tsatsouline
"signature" model KBs--or basically--the real thing. RKC Kettlebells are
said to have better balance and a higher quality of finish. Please examine
my report below for details then decide for yourself.
The only way to order an "official" RKC kettlebell is
There are no retail purchases available.
One (1) RKC 24kg (53 pound) kettlebell in black. This
model KB only comes in black and full iron. No vinyl cover or color
options are available.
Website Navigation: The
DragonDoor website in general is horrendous to navigate--one of the worst
product websites I've ever used. They are infamous for testimonial
overload and excessive verbiage. However, this is ground zero for
authentic RKC products, so you'll have to do the best you can. To locate
the actual kettlebell ordering page as quickly as possible from the homepage,
click 'Kettlebell Products" located on the left toolbar under "Kettlebell
Resources." From here, click "Order 53 lb. kettlebell" if you want to
order one ASAP and get out with minimal navigation.
Placing Order: Checkout
button is bright green and easy to find. Once registered and in checkout,
the process seemed fairly standard without much hassle. Standard credit
card options are available.
Cost: At the time of this order in October 2008,
the cost for one RKC 24kg Kettlebell was $129.95 + shipping.
Shipping: RKC kettlebells are shipped from the
East Coast of the USA. The cost to ship mine to Atlanta, GA was $44.50
bringing my total cost to $174.44.
Confirmations: You'll receive
numerous confirmations from DragonDoor. One for the initial placement of
order and a few more on shipping process. At the least, they are very
thorough on confirmations of orders.
Security: I've placed a
number of orders with DragonDoor in 2008 for hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
I have never had any security issues or charge card errors with my orders or
account details.
Timeline: I've ordered two
24kg KBs and one 16kg KB through DragonDoor. All three were delivered
promptly in less than two weeks. I had two shipped to California and one
to Atlanta.
Box: Product was shipped in
cardboard box. Box had inner cardboard sleeve surrounding all four sides
and bottom and was loosely packed with heavy paper to prevent excessive movement
of KB within box during shipping. The 24kg KB reviewed arrived with box
intact and KB undamaged. My other two RKC KBs also arrived in good
Unopened Box:
Despite 53 lbs. in box, it arrived in great shape.
"Enjoy the Pain!"
Box for 24 kg measures approximately 12" tall by 8.5" wide.
Packing Details:
KB is set inside an inner cardboard lining reinforcer and wrapped
loosely with strips of newsprint paper.
Close up view of cardboard inner lining (L) and outer box (R).
Outer box remained in very good condition without tears.
Bottom of outer box (L). Outer box was pulling apart
but inner sleeve kept KB secure during shipping.
All of unpacked newsprint wrapping that surrounds KB (R).
Kettlebell Surface & Lettering:
The KBs have "character" marks from the casting process.
No one KB is exactly like the other. There are various indentations
slight blemishes on all of them. Lettering reads:
Kettlebell Measurements:
The 24 kg is roughly about 6" wide and 11" tall.
The handle a little under 1.5" wide.
Warning Label:
The warning label alone was worth the wait and price!!!
The label is old-school manila paper with a cardstock feel
and loosely attached around handle with cotton string.
Coming out of the box, the RKC KBs are covered with a light
dust from the paper newsprint used as packing material. The KBs are
painted with an industrial-quality gloss black paint. One of the reasons
to pay more for the RKC KBs is the quality of paint finish. The paint is
virtually impossible to screw up. Cheap KBs have paint that falls off
leaving the KB open to rust. Cheaper KBs also use "thick" paint on the
handles. Take my word for it--thick paint on KB handles that chips creates
sharp edges and indentations that can rip up your hands. The RKC uses such
high quality paint that it can be applied thin yet be more resilient.
Basically, the RKC paint kicks serious ass! Regarding the handle itself,
because the paint is thin, it does not cover up little blemishes in the casting
process. Each handle is different. My first 24 kg has a great handle
that is really smooth. My second RKC 24 kg and the 16 kg have rougher
handles, but they are still a lot better than some of the knockoff KBs I've
I have purchased three RKC kettlebells.
Two 24 kgs and one 16kg. The purchasing experience, delivery times, and
kettlebells have all been consistent. All the KBs arrived intact (although
how could you destroy these things!). Performance? Priceless.
They deliver. If you want a NO BS piece of equipment that will last a
lifetime and deliver combative levels of fitness, I'd recommend buying a RKC
kettlebell Comrades!
Ratings: (1=Worst, 5=Best)
- Website=2
- Purchase Experience=5
- Delivery=5
- Packaging=5
- Product=5
- Average Score=4.4
- Buy? Yes.
I recommend the RKC KBs if you're serious about daily use.
Warning: KB kids are fast,
strong, and dangerous!!!
(Comrade Ronnie Jones, Age 5)
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(Updated 11.29.08)