"T-Stabilization +
Hyperextension" Push-Up

Perform regular T-Stabilization Push Up.
As you lift arm up into the regular
lockout position, add a little extra extension as you pull your upper arm back.
Review T-Stabilization Lockout
Review T-Stabilization Push Up
Tips: Push ups are usually thought of as "arms and
chest" exercises but they are underrated as "core" exercises and especially the
advanced versions. The T-Stability Push Ups are great to try as long as
you have already mastered the standard Military version.
This is a nice way to add extra shoulder
mobility and stability challenge. Don't force the end range--just open
up as you have the ability without excessive restriction.
Option: Add speed during rotations but
ONLY if you have total control and ONLY after you have sufficient shoulder
mobility AND stability. By adding "speed" you have to "brake" harder
before coming back down which is more challenging to stabilize and control.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises. RonJones.Org
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(Updated 1-25-05)