Tubing: Overhead Triceps Extension
In split stance, extend arms out & up
as you squeeze triceps to finish.
Walk out until tubing is pre-stretched as you bring elbows in close to
forehead. Elbows should point straight forward and up at
Place feet in "split stance" with one foot further out than the other.
Using a split stance will enable you to keep an upright position without being
pulled backwards towards tubing attachment point.
With a slight forward lean and straight wrists, pull tubing and hands together
in front of body.
As you release tubing back, be careful
to keep control so you don't hyperextend your spine or do an excessive
Repeat. Make sure to alternate the split stance lead leg so you don't
always favor the same side.
Tips: The key is to use the split stance
with the forward lean so you anchor yourself to the floor. Make sure
to keep "elbows in" throughout exercise--this exercise is very linear and
should not have any lateral twisting in shoulders or elbows.
I prefer to use other exercises for
triceps because I find the tubing somewhat awkward; however, if you want to
use tubing this exercise will get the job done for triceps toning. If
the anchor position and tubing feels awkward, try moving the height of
attachment point like photo below.

Alternative high anchor point.

For optimal performance & safety,
I use JC All-Purpose Tubing by PerformBetter.Com.
These exercises are intended for "normal healthy"
individuals and many are only intended for competitive athletes.
If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present, see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises. RonJones.Org
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(Updated 1-8-06)