"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up #8:
"Drop Lunge"

Don't round back--put movement
into hips not your back!

To do this right you need at
least 12-18" between feet.
Ron Jones Dynamic
Warm-Up DVD
OBJECTIVE: Increase hip mobility.
With hips
square, drop one leg about 12-18” behind and to other side.
Keep feet
pointed straight forward then drop hips down as you keep torso upright--do NOT
collapse your posture forward!
Repeat 5x
on first side then switch leg positions.
After 10 total reps go to next
#9 Lateral Lunge Reach
warm-up exercise.
NOTE! This is
#8 in a sequential series of 10 exercises. Perform as directed in
exact order.
*Advanced: Increase depth and space between feet.
*Modifications/Substitutions: For
those that cannot get into the proper position due to excessive tightness in
hips, try substituting the
The Heisman is still a dynamic hip stretch; it's not a good or as deep, but it
will be better than no dynamic stretching at all. I would also suggest
adding some static stretches after activity for those needing more help--try
Pretzel and
Iron Cross static stretches.
*Design Points: It is critical for proper movement
maintenance to ensure that you keep good mobility in your hips. If your
hips are locked up, you won't be able to use your strong leg muscles to lift
heavy loads with proper body position. People with tight hips try to
flex from the low and mid back when they lift which causes excessive pressure
on the spine that can cause disc damage--OUCH!
Tips: Again--looks simple but can be hard because
so many have tight hips. If you can't get the 12-18" of spacing between
feet, then your hips are probably too tight to properly do this exercise.
Check out some special hip opening exercises in my
Mobility and
Flexibility sections to help you
get up to speed.

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Now! *Note:
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 12.1.07)