"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up #6:
"Forward Lunge Reach"

Do NO T round back as you reach!
Ron Jones Dynamic
Warm-Up DVD
OBJECTIVE: Increase back& hip mobility, & dynamic balance.
Lunge step
out with lead knee over ankle and both feet pointed forward.
Reach down
towards knee. A progression would be reaching down on the inside of knee
if spinal mobility allows--See photo below.
Repeat 10x
alternating legs for each reach.
After 10 total reps go to next
#7 Backwards Lunge Twist
warm-up exercise.
NOTE! This is
#6 in a sequential series of 10 exercises. Perform as directed in
exact order.
*Advanced: Increase depth of reach or angle of reach.
Don't reach as low. I like people to at least reach as low as their lead
leg knee. If possible, you can also reach lower towards calf.
Tips: Don't allow your back or trail leg to
"collapse" as you lunge forward because this will shove your body over front
knee collapsing posture. This is another great functional exercise movement
pattern to keep up with that will help your everyday activities. Lunges
are balance and core challenging because of the split foot position--go slow
at first until you get a feel for them.

Progression=Reach to inside of
knee & twist spine

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Now! *Note:
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 7.2.08)