"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up #2:

Look at your foot so you get the
most benefit!
Ron Jones Dynamic
Warm-Up DVD
OBJECTIVE: Increase spinal mobility & open shoulders.
Stand upright.
Lift heel up and over behind back.
Reach down and across with opposing hand
towards heel.
Repeat 10x alternating directions with
each reach.
Repeat 10 reps then go to next
#3 Calf Stretch warm-up exercise.
NOTE! This is
#2 in a sequential series of 10 exercises. Perform as directed in
exact order.
*Advanced: Reach higher with heel
and lower
with hand; raise other arm overhead higher.
Decrease range of motion and tempo. I do not have an easier substitute
exercise for the Scorpion--only the modifications above.
Points: People can "self-fuse" their spines with age and injuries--in some
cases the spine is surgically fused together at a vertebrae or two. When
the spine gets locked up and tight, it increases the workload to other joints
of the body. These joints then get "overworked" from excessive load.
To properly "load level," you need a mobile spinal column so other body parts
don't get overloaded. People that have bone-to-bone in their spinal
column (deteriorated discs) are too far gone to rotate anymore--spinal
rotation-type exercises will NOT work for them. After hundreds of
trained Dynamic Warm-Up clients, I've met only "two" of these people
that could not safely perform rotational exercises with the spine--everyone
else was fine--a few needed modifications above.
Tips: Make sure to actually look at the bottom of
your foot. By asking people to touch there foot, I get them to rotate
more; however, be mindful to get movement in your spine from the tailbone to
the base of your skull.
If you're not careful, you'll end up
just slinging your arms around behind your back. This is great if you
want to loosen up your shoulders, but just moving arms and no back won't do
jack to open up parts of your spine that have lost mobility!
Rotational Patterns: None
of my rotational patterns are designed to force any end point ranges of
motion. They are just "gentle" rotation patterns that the body under
normal conditions should be able to do. Do not force lumbar rotation
because the lumbar spine is not capable by design for more than about 15°
of rotation. Spare the spine from any forced or extreme positions
whether it is my warm-up or other activities!
This is one of my personal favorites and
a "pull out" that I'll use independently at times for extra spinal mobility
when needed.
Dynamic Warm-Up
Dynamic Warm-Up
Graphics Cue Card
Dynamic Warm-Up &
Human Movement Background Info

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Now! *Note:
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 1.13.08)