"Sunday Ice
1.30.05: I woke again this morning to the icy winter storm of Atlanta, Georgia. For a second morning I was kept at home by Nature's cold blanket of ice. A simple trip down the driveway is not a possibility until later today as we thaw from two days of freezing rain--even my mountain bike excursion to the grocery yesterday for baby food was preempted due to the hazard. While nearly everyone was kept "inside" by the "bad" weather, I ventured out this morning with camera in hand to see what I could see and feel what I could feel. I really felt no cold--just chi! I was amazed at what the universe had to offer about my feeble life when I opened my mind to her lessons. There is a yin and yang to winter ice...a warrior harshness on the outside yet inside perfectly preserved lies the gentle, or as Thomson quoted above, "...etheral Mildness!" of the coming spring. Like my tribal Bro Steve Ilg said in his Direct Lines daily reflections...there is no "bad" weather--there is just weather. Weather is weather. Without winter there would be no life--no spring. While my scheduled training ride to the mountains was postponed this weekend I still rejoice in the cycle despite the missed workout--feeling beyond the cold and the obvious difficulty for balance challenge just to stay on my feeble feet. Winter gives me "spring" today...for that I give thanks. Namaste'
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