Ron Jones: Shape Up Class
My original Shape Up class was a taught at a
community college in Central California. I have now taken this successful format
and expanded it to the Atlanta, GA area. My original college class would
meet three semesters per year on Monday through Thursday from 6:00-7:30 AM.
I taught this Shape Up class for five years. The class enrollment ranged from
25-60. Regardless of class size or student ages, we all worked out together as a
group. The class was designed for normally healthy people of all ages and
ability levels; in five years I never had an injured student with exception to a
couple of minor strains. I had students from 18 to 92 years old--it was a great
time and a wonderful experience! I met a lot of nice people both young and old
and was continuously amazed at what people could do with physical fitness when
given the right opportunities and support--these were the best of times...BRAVO!

Summer 2002 Shape Up Class
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