A New World of Health Ron Jones Comments: A couple of years ago I was rummaging through an antique store in South Pasadena looking for fitness and health memorabilia. I found a stack of old fitness magazines and books, and much to my surprise, I found a textbook called "A New World of Health" written in 1977. I had not read this book but knew the author well--its author was Norm Hoffman. Norm wrote this book for his health classes in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As I struggled to find my own words for the Hoffman Memorial Dedication, I remembered Norm's book and looked to him for inspiration. I never read the book previously, but as I started scanning the pages, I realized once again how truly passionate Norm was about health. Like Jack La Lanne and those before him, health was Norm Hoffman every singe day and every single breath...even to the last one on his bike. These sincere words in his preface capture his true spirit and still speak to us today... PREFACE "Although our environment has undergone some traumatic changes in recent years, I am optimistic that we as human beings will recognize problem areas and take steps to correct them. By improving our physical, social, and emotional environments there is no reason why we can't improve our state of health and well-being. With the control of population growth and pollution, the conservation of energy and natural resources, and a better understanding of how to live in harmony with the world around us we should be able to look forward to an enrichment in the quality of life for all. It will take the dedicated efforts of all of us to put our own lives in order and convince others to do the same by setting an active example of concern for our fellow human beings and for our fragile environment, which we must nurture and care for if we mean to survive. Norman S. Hoffman Norm's spirit
still rides in you, me, and others he touched...keep his mission alive...get
fit, be strong, and be an ambassador for health and fitness! Home | Share the Road | Site Map (Updated 11.23.07) |
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