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Favorite & Fun Websites
(...for content, artistic style, ultimate coolness, or just whatever...)
"Life is short...we might as well dance." Japanese Proverb
StoneNudes.Com (Tribal cool photos & calendars of stunning nude female rock climbers--art at its best!)
Royal Tibetan Yaks (I love yaks! They are true endurance yogis!)
BicyclePaintings.Com (Taliah Lempert's cool bike paintings & prints)
KROQ.Com (Keep up on the latest LA music keeps ya rockin'!)
FirstGov.Gov (First stop to finding government agencies & info)
Google.Com (A super "mega" search engine that finds just about anything)
JackLalanne.Com (Jack can still kick your booty--AND MINE!)
Lost.Art.Br (Brazilian Pro Photo friend Ignacio Aronovich--true art & talent)
Rosie the Riveter.Org (Because we need her more than ever!)
Wholisticfitness.Com (My Tribal Brother Steve Ilg--the guru of chi and garra)
Zombie Hotrod Wear (American Hotrod Coolness)
Tabasco.Com (Because it's HOT!!!)
RoadsideAmerica.Com (Interesting roadtrip sites around America)
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(Updated 11.23.07)
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