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Flexibility: "Standing Hip Flexor"

Standing Hip Flexor-1    Standing Hip Flexor-2

OBJECTIVE: Open up front thighs (+shoulders, & lats).

  1. Split legs into lunge position then "pigeon toe" both feet and sink deeper into lunge.  Turning toes in (internal rotation) will give you a bit more pre-stretch in hip joints before you sink into lunge.

  2. Squeeze glutes on back leg hard so front hip flexors/quads go on stretch.

  3. For shoulder and lat extras, reach up high with the stretching side & back around with the other arm towards the squeezing glutes.

  4. Hold stretch 20-30 seconds.

Exercise Figure Tips: Concentrate on squeezing your butt to get front thighs (hip flexors/quads) to release and stretch (called reciprocal inhibition).  Sometimes people lose focus on thighs as they reach with arms--the shoulder/lat stretch is "secondary" on this one.  Squeeze butt and stretch hip flexor FIRST and foremost!

  • This is a much better stretch for front thighs than the one you usually see people do which is quickly grabbing their foot and hiking it up sideways to their butts completely out of position--basically doing nothing to open up the front thighs.  Take your time to learn this one correctly and do it right for a great stretch.
  • Flexibility Exercise Handout (Directions)
  • Flexibility Exercise Handout (Organizer List Only)

*Note: This exercise is intended for "normal healthy" individuals.  If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical therapist before continuing your exercises. 

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(Updated 8.21.06)

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