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Ron Jones: Credo & Mission
Meet Coach RJ J
credo\kree-do\ noun, a guiding philosophy; a set of fundamental
beliefs; a guiding principle.

Ron Jones, MS
kinesiology\kuh-nee-see-'al-uh-jee\, noun [Gk kine-sis, fr.kinein
to move] The study of the art and science of human movement related to sport,
dance, and exercise.

credo in life is clear and simple--to teach, model,
and promote holistic
wellness to the best of my ability using the truth. My purpose on this planet is to help
people be Well. At a deeper level, I believe it is my patriotic duty
and mission to help America Get Fit
and Be Strong--and not just physically, but
holistically. Our soaring obesity and decreasing fitness will NOT help us
maintain our freedom and way of life--those will destroy us. Wellness increases longevity and
quality of life; Wellness is High-Performance Health that promotes balanced
well-being and optimal fitness...so why wait? Let's go for it!

Ron Jones has a MS in Kinesiology with a sub discipline in Sport Psychology from CSU, Northridge, a BA
in Physical Education and English, is a certified Health/Fitness Instructor with the American College of Sports
Medicine, and is a certified RKC Russian Kettlebell Instructor.
He holds a professional clear teaching credential and is credentialed
in Physical Education, Health Science, and English and Z-Health certifications
in R, I, S, & T Phases.
Ron has been a
community college adjunct health/fitness instructor, and coached cross country and track
student-athletes from first grade through community college. Ron has served as an ultra-endurance cycling
fitness/training consultant nationally and internationally and presented at
state and national conventions on bicycle safety, bicycle/health advocacy
issues, and corporate wellness. Ron Jones is also a Licensed
Corporate Wellcoach with Wellcoaches.Com.

Ron has served
as Program Director for the Fit for Life After-School
Physical Activity Program along with acting as a health/fitness consultant,
corporate and personal Wellcoach, personal trainer, pre-season conditioning
coach/consultant for collegiate football and basketball, health educator, and PE instructor.
Jones has received national and international press coverage in Fox News, Bicycling
Magazine, Velo News, ESPN, The Outdoor Channel, The LA Times,
Playboy Magazine,
Steve Ilg's Total Body Transformation, Roy Wallack's Bike For Life:
How To Ride To A 100, Mind, Body, & Spirit
Fitness Magazine, Disney's FamilyFun Magazine, and Atlanta's Jezebel Magazine. He and his wife
and twins
Ronnie & Cade
live near Los Angeles in Santa Clarita, CA.
Ron Jones Bio
Ron Jones Press Coverage
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RonJones.Org |
(Updated 11.9.10) |