"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up #5:
"Single Leg Balance Reach"

"Balance training is fall PREVENTION!"
Ron Jones Dynamic
Warm-Up DVD
OBJECTIVE: Increase dynamic balance.
Stand over
one foot placed flat on ground
forward and slightly squat down. The hand that reaches will be on same side as
lifted foot.
Reach down
to the level of the knee on down leg while keeping down leg knee behind toes.
(Allowing the knee to shift too far forward adds extra strain on knee.)
Repeat 5x
each leg.
After 10 total reps, go to next
#6 Forward Lunge Reach
warm-up exercise.
NOTE! This is
#5 in a sequential series of 10 exercises. Perform as directed in
exact order.
*Advanced: Increase reach distance and depth and squat depth.
*Design Points:
Tips: A simple but VERY difficult exercise indeed
for "most" people! Make sure to get balance first BEFORE reaching
forward and down. When you begin the reach, go SLOW for the first rep or
until you feel comfortable. Remember, increasing tempo or quickness
comes last after you master the movement slowly with control.
If it's too hard to completely keep one
foot off floor just place the lifted foot's toes lightly on the floor behind
you. Even this modified version will be balance challenging and is a
good place to start for many people. Don't exceed your capacity to
maintain balance! If you keep stepping out of the exercise you'll just
be training a BAD movement pattern, so what's the point? There isn't
one! Quality first and you'll rock and roll!
Work on balance everyday and you'll improve. If you don't work on
balance, your balance will NOT improve. If you don't have balance,
you're more likely to end up hurt and on your ass--think that one over along
with the fact that "falls" are the #1 cause of injury and death for seniors in
America. Balance training is "fall prevention!"
Dynamic Warm-Up
Dynamic Warm-Up
Graphics Cue Card
Dynamic Warm-Up &
Human Movement Background Info

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Now! *Note:
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 1.13.08)