"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up #10:
"Flexion/Extension/Shoulder Retraction"

Use hands under glutes to quickly pull
into a little more flexion.

Retraction=Pinch shoulders together hard
as you pull them back!
Ron Jones Dynamic
Warm-Up DVD
OBJECTIVE: Increase low-back mobility & open front
Place feet
together then "hip hinge" forward at waist with a flat back.
As you
hinge forward and down, grab back of thighs and gently pull torso forward and
down. DO NOT round upper back to compensate for low back/hip hinge
lack of flexibility!
Stand back
up and roll shoulders back, down as you "pinch" (or retract) the shoulders
Repeat 10 reps to complete the
Warm-Up Series of exercises.
NOTE! This is
#10 in a sequential series of 10 exercises. Perform as directed in
exact order.
*Advanced: Increase leg straightness and hip flexion.
*Design Points:
Tips: A great and simple exercise to open low back
and improve posture with the shoulders "back and down" finishing movement.

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Now! *Note:
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 7.3.08)