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"Ron Jones" Dynamic Warm-Up
Get Warm-Up DVD & Start Moving
Better Now!
Spinal Rotation
Calf Stretch
Squat & Back Extension
Single-Leg Balance Reach
Forward Lunge Reach
Backward Lunge Twist
Drop Lunge
Lateral Lunge Reach
Spinal Flexion/Extension + Shoulder
*Note from Ron:
Because of the "dynamic" movements in multiple planes of motion
with rotational patterns, I
recommend that you
purchase my DVD.
It is really hard to understand all the different movements with static photos
and text--you really need to "see" the movements and how they flow to get
optimal results. You can learn enough from the photos to do the warm-up,
but you'll never have the maximum efficiency and improvement without seeing
the dynamic rotational patterns.

Get Your Warm-Up DVD & Move Better
Tips: The BEST five minutes you could ever spend to
improve functional movement and prepare your body for action! All ten
exercises are performed standing. Space requirements are small--you only
need enough room to take one step in all directions from the center starting
position. The full Dynamic Warm-Up with ten reps of all ten exercises can
be done in five minutes or less once you master them.
It's really hard to show all the various
dynamic movements with the still photo pages above. For optimal
efficiency, which then leads to optimal improvement, I recommend that you
purchase my
Dynamic Warm-Up DVD. Each of the ten exercises have their
own tutorial. I also have a 5:46 timed warm-up sequence where you can do
the exercises with me at the proper pace while I remind you of the basic check
points. I'm sharing my Dynamic Warm-Up "basics" for free with the world
because I want everyone to move better with less pain; however, if you want to
see all the "fine point" adjustments, you'll need to get the DVD.
Rotational Patterns: None
of my rotational patterns are designed to force any end point ranges of
motion. They are just "gentle" rotation patterns that the body under
normal conditions should be able to do. Do not force lumbar rotation
because the lumbar spine is not capable by design for more than about 15°
of rotation. Spare the spine from any forced or extreme positions
whether it is my warm-up or other activities!
My version of the Dynamic Warm-Up was inspired by
many people in American Fitness like Jack LaLanne (Yes--he was doing them over
50 years ago!), Mark Verstegen of Athlete's Performance, Jade Molina, Steve Ilg, and a few others along with
many of my own
My version is not quite as thorough as
Mark Verstegen's "Movement Prep." However, the above version is much
more user-friendly and easier to teach beginners. You can do mine in a
parking lot without every touching the ground. I've even done my version
in airports waiting for my flight or at a rest stop after hours of driving.
It's simple, easy, and VERY effective. Just do it!
Here What People Are
Saying About the RJ Dynamic Warm-Up!
RJ Dynamic
RJ Dynamic Warm-Up
RJ Dynamic Warm-Up
Graphics Cue Card
Dynamic Warm-Up &
Human Movement Background Info
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises.
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(Updated 7.27.11)