Special Populations I'm creative about fitness, and I'm willing to try just about anything to get people moving. Some of my past projects involved small group exercise for pre-menopausal women that were overweight and obese. Before the first session was done they were actually laughing and having fun playing Frisbee! Another project involved working with a small group of Autistic children where the children learned social skills through creative and cooperative fitness games and agility exercises. The children learned the importance of communication, problem solving, cooperation, eye contact, and many other important real world social skills. Both of these adventures in fitness were very productive and were created by request for special needs. In schools I've been able to create circuit training courses on the spot for 1st graders that enabled them to exercise for cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility fitness. This circuit course also included a young girl in a wheelchair that was given some alternative, but equally challenging, fitness tasks in each of the three categories; she was participating with the class, getting fit, and feeling good about moving her body in new and creative ways. If you have a special group that you would like to see get fit and be strong, or you have a special need yourself, please contact me. I'm not afraid to try something new that hasn't been done before for a population or individual in need.
Let's see if we can get everyone moving! If people are
moving--I'm happy!
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(Updated 2.12.09)
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