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Z-Healthâ Performance

March 2010: I just completed my R-Phase
certification with Z-Health Performance Solutions. I will be progressing
through the I, S, & T phases in the months to come. I'm in the process of
rolling out some supporting materials for the Z-Health part of my business, so
stay tuned!
Dynamic Joint Mobility: There are
hundreds of different joint mobility programs, protocols, and exercise routines
out there. Z-Health is the most sophisticated and precise in my opinion;
however, Z is not the "only" way to improve joint function. I have my own
version of joint mobility exercises that is only five minutes long. I've
been using my "Dynamic Warm-Up" since 2004 with great success. If you want
a more simplified introduction into the world of joint mobility, you might also
consider my DWU, but in the end, it does not really matter what you choose as
long as you take care of your joints and find something that works for your own
body. Enjoy--moving WELL!
Check out the Ron Jones Dynamic Warm-Up DVD
Z-Health Handouts by RJ:
How to Get Started with Z-Health:
Z-Health Information:
Z-Health Books & References:
Z-Health Blogs by RJ:
Z-Health Related Equipment for Coaches & Trainers:
AnatomyWarehouse.Com: The anatomy models below
were all purchased off the AnatomyWarehouse site. I've been happy with
the quality of the models. I ordered a few that I didn't really like
or that really would not serve my purpose, but the ones below have all been
very helpful teaching tools for injury prevention, Z-Health, and general
health education. The only problems I've had with them is that the first
order was lost and never shipped after I got charged, and the second order
shipped was the wrong items; however, they quickly made good on my orders to
my satisfaction. I would recommend them if you need some budget-minded
teaching tools with good overall quality. Hope they help you!
Anatomical Foot & Ankle-Hard Wired
This model keeps its shape slightly better than the
loose one below. The downside is that you cannot open the joints
up as well to demonstrate the actual actions of the exercises you are
teaching; however, it's a great model that I think would hold up better
over time if you're passing it around a lot.
Anatomical Foot & Ankle-Loose Wired
Anatomical Hand & Wrist-Loose Wired
Anatomical Mini-Shoulder
Anatomical Skeleton with Stand
Great choice for the money. Quite a bit of
detail--more than most people would ever need unless you're a medical
student. The only downside is the stand which is too small for the
weight of the skeleton above--it has a tendency to tip when you push it,
so you have to be careful and support it low and high when you move it
around. Despite the stand, it's still a great choice and teaching
Kinesio Tape
Portable Massage Table
Training Equipment (Brock Strings)
Visit my related "Foot-Fitness"
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