| This was a section I created on 9-11-02 as a way to connect with Alicia and give her support at home from family and friends while she struggled in the uncertainty of New York City last year. It's an on-line journal documenting the change of our world forever...I'll leave it here so we don't forget...
Ron Jones (Dad)
Saturday, 12-1-01 Alicia's November visit went well. She is scheduled to return for Xmas December 21st @ 12:30 PM. She will fly directly into Bakersfield. Alicia is doing better. Her grades are good and she's finishing her last two papers for finals. She has decided that staying in NYC after she graduates is NOT an option. She is enjoying her studies in the big city but would like to live the rest of her life in a little more peaceful setting...understandable after what she and fellow New Yorkers have been through the last few months... Thursday, 10-18-01 Alicia's flight plans back
home are as follows. Everyone is welcome to greet her at the
airport. I think she would appreciate seeing everyone there. Tuesday, 10-16-01 Alicia will be flying into Bakersfield for the first time since the attacks on Wednesday, October 31st @ about 12:30 PM. We expect some family and friends will probably be welcoming her back home. I will be posting exact flight information as soon as she forwards this data. Feel free to drop by and welcome her home. She will spend about six days before going back to NYC. Thursday, 10-11-01 I talked to Alicia last night. She sounded good but stressed as she has three mid-terms and a couple of papers to write. She said NYC seems to be in a "police state" even though one formally has not been announced. She said there are military men everywhere with machine guns and full combat attire. You cannot come into the city without carpooling. They are checking each car so thoroughly that it is not feasible to come with one person per car. There have not really been anti-war protests at her school Barnard College. However, she said there is grumbling and complaining at some level. She said there seems to be a group of people that bitch and protest "the topic of the week" because they don't have anything better to do. Protesting is just a way of life for them. Alicia isn't bothered. She remains strong in her convictions to what she feels is right--to defend this country by force if necessary. She might have a nose stud now, but at least she hasn't totally lost her mind in NYC! Sunday, 9-30-01/9:00 AM Alicia and her Mom went down to ground zero to view the scene. They got about 4-5 blocks away but could see the carnage from there. Alicia said it was quite bad. Then she got her nose pierced! Alicia and her Mom are having a nice visit. She sounded much better this morning although her nose is a little sore. Her Mom will fly out tomorrow. Tuesday, 9-25-01/10:30 AM Alicia's Mom is flying in to visit her Wednesday. Alana will stay until Monday. Scooter is trying to get her homework done so she can enjoy the visit. She's looking forward to seeing someone from home. There have been five violent crimes against women close to her dorm area according to a recent safety alert from her school. She is still a little frightened. Even though New Yorkers have pulled together there are some who are taking advantage...sad but true. More later after her Mom's arrival tomorrow but for now she's hustling at school and staying busy. Wednesday, 9-19-01/3:15 PM Alicia's trying to get back into school this week. She has reached a point where she's overwhelmed. The routine of school can be very healthy at times. There are many different phases of grieving for death and dying...it will be a long road of recovery for her and our country. She had an article published in today's Bakersfield Californian entitled "No Safe Place Left" if you'd like to read her personal account of history the last week. Sunday, 9-16-01/2:15 PM Scooter's in New Jersey this weekend with Elena's aunt and uncle Patty and John Brown. They went to Costco where Alicia bought a TV for her dorm and Bed, Bath, & Beyond for some other stuff. New Jersey has been greatly affected of course, and as in Bakersfield, flags were everywhere. I spoke with Patty and thanked her for watching our Scooter this weekend. She said the girls really needed a little break. I could tell Alicia's spirits are up a little bit. Alicia will head back to NYC on Sunday morning to work at her college Sunday afternoon. Patty and John have a really nice home that overlooks what is "normally" a picturesque view of Manhattan...now a sad reminder of what took place last Tuesday. One of Alicia's favorite songs is "Tuesday's Gone" by Lynard Skynard...after last Tuesday, "normal" American Tuesdays and our innocent security are truly gone forever I'm afraid...
Friday, 9-14-01/3:15 PM Alicia called late last night after making the patriotic ribbons at her college. She was in much better spirits after being able to help somehow. She met with Janet, her Aunt's mother, today in NYC. It was good to see some family. She was not able to get close enough to actually see President Bush. She did see the display of military strength from the fighter jet fly over before the President addressed the crowd. She leaves for New Jersey tonight for the weekend. I told her about the incredible patriotism here in her hometown of Bakersfield, CA. Yesterday I saw school children waving flags walking home from school. Everyone seems to have a flag--at home, on their cars, in the windows at work, on their clothes. Only one time have I seen America come together in this magnitude--when the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded in the early 1980s but that was solidarity for sorrow. This time it's different. This week it's sorrow. Next week it is taking care of business for freedom...we are different in America. We have more to fight for...and more to lose. Have a good weekend Alicia...next week it's time to rebuild and move forward as one strong nation. Thursday, 9-13-01/2:40 PM My sister-in-law Carolyn's mother Janet Neipris lives in NYC very near ground zero. She is an English professor at NYU. Janet met Alicia this summer at Marc & Carolyn's wedding. Janet has contacted Alicia and is reaching out to her as her nearest family member in New York. We are so thankful for this "personal" connection for Alicia! Alicia and her roommate are meeting Janet tomorrow and then going on to see President Bush. Janet and her husband Donald have been feeding firemen and policemen. Janet told Alicia the fumes are so bad she fears they will have to be evacuated from their building soon. Until then, they will continue to feed the brave workmen attempting rescues. Alicia will now be at Barnard this evening at 10PM making ribbons feverishly with her college sisters. She will then travel to New Jersey this weekend for a break from what has been the most horrific week of her life...and ours...but we are very thankful that Alicia is alive and still healthy. Thursday, 9-13-01/1:30 PM Alicia just called. She went to her first class since the attacks. She is trying to stay in NYC tonight so she can see President Bush tomorrow; however, she might have to leave in order to get a ride to her roommates' family home in New Jersey where they are spending the weekend. If she is in the city tonight, she will be at Barnard College making some ribbons with her classmates. City officials have also suggested attending church services tomorrow. She sounded a little better this afternoon and was successful in buying some NY Times papers. She said they are talking about having to demolish many of the buildings near the World Trade Center because they have sustained such extensive damages. She will let us know later tonight whether she is going to New Jersey and how she plans to get there. Thursday, 9-13-01/9:15AM I spoke with Alicia last night...her courage is truly being tested. Alicia is not sure if she is strong enough to endure this challenge...no one expects her to know exactly what to do...she is doing what she can to remain strong which is all we can expect. She said things are getting worse in some ways. She went to the Brooklyn Promenade yesterday to get a vista of the city from across the bay. She said it looked like it just happened. On the way back, a professional woman in a business suit got into a fist fight with another woman. She witnessed a second fight between two women later that day--this frightens her. The police are not allowing the street musicians to play in the train stations. She said the "stress is high and people are anxious." Some students have been talking about deferring for a semester and going home. Alicia and her roommates are "tentatively planning" to go to New Jersey for the weekend. They will stay with a roommate's Aunt...maybe a short break would be rejuvenating for all of them. She tried to get a NY Times paper but they were all gone...she got some others like the Village Voice. She is going out early this morning to find some NY Times if at all possible and will continue to collect them over the next week. She is taking journal notes...I have been encouraging her to record her innermost feelings at this specific point in time. As time passes, she will feel differently and her reflections might lose their initial sharpness, so it is important to put these down right now. This is why I have left my original message below even though it appears outdated--it captures my fear and the uncertainty about the immediate reaction to Tuesday morning's attacks...it's part of history in some ways...in our own family's way. Some positive things she is noting--yesterday she met with a school friend...a "hippie indie dude" was her description. A guy that was anti-military and anti-establishment. Yesterday he and a friend tried to volunteer and help instead of "just take"...he admitted to Alicia that if there was a draft, he would go to war if his country needed him. His position before was to refuse any military effort...interesting how fast people can change in the heat of a crisis. President Shapiro of Barnard College (Barnard has current updates on their website) issued a strong letter of support to Barnard parents. I was very encouraged about Barnard supporting its women students and rallying them to this challenge. Barnard is one of the last remaining all-women colleges in the US. It is Ivy League...the women there are exceptional young women and are now showing their courage and character in the face of this disaster. God speed to Barnard College, President Shapiro, and our Alicia... Wednesday, 9-12-01: 8AM I was able to finally speak with Alicia yesterday quite a few times. Her phone service is operating fairly well along with her computer. Alicia and her roommates spent Tuesday trying to donate blood and staying at home in their dorm. All her three roommates are with her. Barnard and Columbia are having classes today. Alicia wants to stay home and try to donate blood and see if she can help her fellow New Yorkers. She will attend school tomorrow then leave the city for the weekend--probably to Boston where one her roommates has family. She is very upset as you can imagine but is staying strong and wanting to help others. We are very proud of her...what a horrific experience for a 20 year old young woman...she, and the world, will never be the same. She described the scene as "surreal" and says she grew up in Bakersfield, CA seeing this kind of stuff on the news and now she is right in the middle of world disaster--it is painfully real to her. She was able to access the money we transferred to her yesterday and for now is safe and secure as one can be in New York today. Her roommate interned at the World Trade Center last summer and undoubtedly lost many former co-workers. Alicia's favorite store, Century 21, is across the street from the World Trade Center. She frequently spends time in that area of New York...thank God she wasn't there yesterday. Alicia told me one of the planes flew right over her dorm on its way to the collision. She is a few miles from the site and did not actually feel the impact itself. She will keep us posted and I will update this page as I can. Alicia is getting a lot of information off her computer. She has a good Ethernet/T-1 connection and it is working well. You might be able to reach her by AOL Instant Message at times. Her e-mail is: ajj4381@aol.com Tuesday, 9-11-01: 9AM Alicia, (I will provide updates on-line. The phone lines are jammed but you might be able access cable or ethernet computer lines) I talked with Mom this morning. She told me you were okay and were trying to walk by foot with your roommates from New York City to New Jersey. I love you Alicia. Be careful and use all those survival skills I taught you throughout your life...now they will be extremely important. Be aware of your surroundings--be on the defensive. Remain strong and DO NOT put away your warrior swords! Take your computer and only extreme valuables to keep your load light so you can move faster (short sword). Remain in control and DO NOT waste energy. This is survival; survival is very competitive. Come up with a strategy for getting to New Jersey. If you can get there--stay there until Barnard College & Columbia University advises you about returning to school. Use your athletic skills for life now...they will pay off. I have transferred $200 into your checking account this morning at 9:00 AM. Your mother has also deposited $200. Ryan is trying to phone you and has his cell phone at work waiting for you to call. I am supposed to be at CSUN today, but I'm not sure if school will be cancelled. Hang tough Scooter...we love you and are praying for you and your friends from school...and for our country. Love, "Freedom comes from military strength; strength comes from a ready state of fitness and health...wake up America!" |
Fit. |