Hiking Tips "Wilderness is a necessity...a fountain of life... thousands of tired,
nerve-shaken, over-civilized people who are beginning to find out that going to
the mountain is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; that mountain parks
and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating
rivers, but as fountains of life." Handouts: (By Ron Jones)
Santa Clarita Hikes: (Pages by Ron Jones) Other California Hikes: (Pages by Ron Jones)
Southwest Hikes: (Pages by Ron Jones) Hiking Info: (Other Reference Sources)
Outdoor Gear & Services:
Specific Product & Info Links: (My Personal Recommendations)
John Muir: I named my daughter after him, so he's important! If you appreciate Yosemite National Park, thank John Muir. He was the power behind preserving Yosemite for future generations along with other wilderness conservation movements in the late 1800s through early 1900s. He had vision beyond his own life and personal needs. He made the world a better place all. J RonJones.Org | Back to Weblinks | Site Map (Updated 9.10.12) |
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