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"Inverted" Push-Up: Off
Secure box in position against wall or
some other way so it doesn't slide or tip.
Place feet on box shoulder width apart.
Pay attention to keep back straight (neutral spine) as much as possible.
Place hands slightly wider than shoulder
width apart and near the tops of shoulders.
Lower body then push back up into
extension while maintaining the straight back position.
When finished, place one foot down to
floor as other leg follows.
Tips: Push ups are usually thought of as "arms and
chest" exercises but they are underrated as "core" exercises. Inverted
Push Ups are extremely core challenging as you work to keep your back straight
while also balancing your body. They also provide more shoulder strength
and mobility challenge.
This exercise is intended for "normal healthy"
individuals. If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present,
see your physician or a certified physical
therapist before continuing your exercises. RonJones.Org
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(Updated 1-24-05)