Ron Jones: Pepperdine
Pepperdine XC: Great working with you last Friday! We covered a lot for an hour; however, this web section will be helpful for your review and continued learning. Coach Rad and I will help provide future training and will be answering any questions you may have over the summer. This section is a work in progress. I will do my best to build new pages for exercises that are not yet hyperlinked. Train smart this summer--and have fun! Ron Jones
Summer Program Outline: Primary Objective: Core stability to decrease force leaks and injury potential. Secondary Objectives: Postural, balance, and general strength exercises for whole body. How & Where To Purchase Basic Equipment 1. Deep Spinal Stabilization (Core Bridging)
2. Hip/Core Stabilization & Balance
3. Leg Strength, Hip/Core Stabilization, & Balance
4. Posture & Upper Back Strength 5. Multi-Planar Core Exercises (Optional if time permits)
6. Supplemental Sources & Help
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