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Ron Jones:
Aera Energy LLC Testimonials

Ron Jones, Beta Offshore Platform
Huntington Beach, CA
Bea Flores Feature Story (Employee's Spouse)
& Theresa Wren Feature Story (Employee & Spouse)
RJ Dynamic
Warm-Up has been great and has saved me significant money! I started
it in Sept 2006 and do it at least 7 days a week. Before the dynamic warm
up: my back and hips hurt to the point that I slept poorly at night. I could
never get comfortable and was awake with pain. In addition, I really had a
hard time playing sports - it wasn't fun due to the pain. At that time, my
solution was a new mattress and my Dr wanted to send me to physical therapy.
I worked with Ron Jones in 9/06 and he offered his dynamic warm-up (yeah,
just another fad I thought). As I kept with the warm-up everyday, my pain
has subsided. I can sleep well and play sports. Also, you guessed it, I
saved money by not buying a new mattress!
Joe Nahama (Spouse), January 2008
"I am 15 years old and very active in
football and baseball in high school. I injured my lower back and for two
and a half months of going to our trainer the pain would not go away.
Nothing they would do helped. I played with a lot of pain.
My Dad brought me to see you and you
started me on the Dynamic Warm-Up and doing Core strengthening. The pain
was gone in 3 days. I continue now doing those exercises you recommend
almost daily and have even shown one of my teammates who was having lower
back pain your
Dynamic Warm-Up. It has been a couple months now and I can
tell my flexibility and strength has improved greatly."
--Derek Barnes (Employee's Son),
October 2006
“I finally got to see my neurosurgeon on
Friday. I explained to him my desire to build some upper body strength
without hurting my neck, and that you were willing to work with me with
medical clearance. He was very encouraging saying exercise will greatly
reduce my pain. My x-rays showed I have another collapsed disc below my
fusion…he wrote a note giving you permission to work with me.
Mobility Exercises you showed me have really helped. I haven't
missed a day without doing them at least once. What a lifesaver for me! I
was shocked that a few simple movements could actually help me. Now, instead
of going straight to bed or grabbing extra pain relievers, I first try the
exercises. So far they have always helped. Lance and I went on a strenuous
bike ride and half way I was feeling it. I just pulled over did the
exercises and went on. My favorite is the head ½ roll because I get an
automatic release of pain and tension. I don't care how macho you are, pain
is pain and it will definitely ruin your day.”
--Donna Holmes (Employee's
Spouse), June 2007
“You're not going to believe this, but I
just got the results of my recent DEXA Scan conducted on May 31 and my left
hip went from -2.3 in March 2006 to -1.1 now!!! That means I went from
almost having osteoporosis (-2.5) to almost normal (-1.0). Can you believe
it!!! Your fitness programming targeting my weakened hips and the dietary
help from Wellcoach colleague Julie Schwartz, RD has made all the
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, the doctor I just went to
pooh-poohed my progress because she didn't have the 2006 test results done
at a different doctor's office. She told me it was impossible and that I
needed to take Fosomax. I'll have to make sure she gets a copy of the 2006
results for comparison.
I am so excited. My result goes against all
conventional medical wisdom (if you can call it that) in that neither of my
doctor's thought an exercise program would work. Guess we showed them!
Thank you once again for my amazing hip
results due to your great coaching!!! I certainly couldn't have done it
without you. Thank you again!”
--Janet McCrea (Employee's
Spouse), June 2007 |
OAKS (Corporate Office):
(Chris Vochoska) Following Coach Ron's
Interval and Circuit Training has resulted in: An overall cholesterol
level down to 180 (first time without meds); HDL (good) cholesterol
consistently above the target of 40 for the first time in my life; LDL
(bad) cholesterol consistently below the target of 130 for the first
time in my life; No longer taking Lipitor medication. These changes
appear to primarily be the result of the high interval exercising (on a
consistent basis) instead of the previous 30-45 minutes of active
movement. Thanks Aera and Ron.
(Raj Patel) I did not take a single
sick leave in the year 2007. (This is a good news for Aera - low
insurance cost). I worked out & rode bike almost 300 days (even if
my ankles hurt), maintained healthy weight through out the year,
excellent blood result came out during the yearly physical checkup.
Most of the above things are true for my wife; I told the same thing to
my CIO!
Alberstadt, Senior VP) I
have a long-term lower back condition that flares up from time to time.
Last Fall I re-injured it, but unlike prior incidents, the pain did not
subside after a few days. The Doctor recommended months of physical
therapy and if that did not provide relief, surgery would be
considered. I met with you, began doing the bridging exercises and
within three days the pain was gone and has not returned.
(Dee Gilmore) At
63 years old I feel like I am in better shape than when I was when I was
younger. I am
hoping to live the same life after retirement.
If it is one thing that I took away from my meeting with you; it is that
you have to eat breakfast and it does make all the difference in the
I lost weight and got fit by just eating 3 healthy
meals instead of my usual chips for lunch.
I eat little snacks through out the day and
it keeps me from overeating at any one time.
It has really made me think before eating
and to stop eating when you are full and not to just eat because the
food is there. I appreciate all that you do for Aera.
It is just like the Biggest Loser, you are
making a difference in Aera’s life.
Thanks again for your hard work and dedication to Aera’s family.
(Harold Ordnoff) Although we have not
spent a lot of personal training time together, I am inspired by your
continuous presence in Aera. I use your website from time to time to
obtain materials on wellness topics and training techniques and tips.
The instruction is very well presented and has been useful. I believe
that with your presence in Aera, it has been key to my discipline in
losing 25 pounds and keeping it off, and encouragement for me to work
out at least 6 days a week and especially on the days when I
have not felt like it. That is absolutely the time one should work
out. So, not much of a testimonial or success story here, but a vote of
confidence that you work can make a difference. The blood pressure and
cholesterol levels are in a very fit range, primarily due to my % body
fat being much lower. I also feel pretty darn good for 55 1/2!
(Katie Hogue) In June I fractured my sacral wing and had a
lot of pain and problems in my pelvis and lower spine after I had a had
an accident on my quad. I was not able to walk for weeks and had no core
strength to even lift my left leg without picking it up physically with
my hand. As soon as I was cleared my doctor and chiropractor I returned
to my gym and the Aera gym. Because of meeting with you prior to the
accident I knew what I needed to do to get my strength back and get my
body back up and running. I go to the gym every morning before work and
perform 25 minutes of cardio along with 25 minutes of core exercises.
This accident has motivated me and I feel stronger now than before my
accident. I have absolutely no pain from the accident and I feel great.
(Brad Freckleton) I
wanted to tell you some good news. We went to Mammoth the weekend
before last. At the age of 50 I had my first skiing lesson (3 hours),
then snowmobiles (1.5 hours) on one day. The next day involved climbing
up hills to come sliding down on dishes (3-4 hours). The good news, no
aches and pains the following day (no kidding!). The workout system you
have shown us plus the excellent equipment that has been selected
(certainly including the FreeMotion - Cable Cross) proved worthy through
the above test. Many Thanks for all your excellent help!
(Michelle Kachelhoffer)
I would like to say that I
greatly appreciate the education and coaching you have provided me that
is helping me restore my knee stability to an acceptable level. Prior
to your coaching, I was primarily doing strengthening exercises (squats
& lunges), which were beneficial of course, but not providing me with
the stability I desire to resume my activities. I feel that with the
information and help you have provided me, I can considerably improve
the condition of my knee. Additionally, the placement of the elliptical
trainer in the fitness center has been wonderful. The trainer is
arguably the best piece cardio equipment I have used, as it does not
further aggravate my knee nor does it put any undue stress on my lower
back. The only problem is that is has become fairly popular during peak
times in the fitness center and I sometimes have to resort to another
piece of equipment unless I get there first.
(Megan Etter) I
am on my way to my former self! This is exciting!
Since making your acquaintance I have lost an average of 1.3 lbs per
week. I have lost 27 lbs total. I am not afraid to tell you I am shooting to lose 49 more lbs
and I hope you will be around to see it! I have implemented simple changes in
diet and related habits that have made a difference for my family (i.e.
whole-wheat spaghetti). I set my first weight goal – and with your
encouragement and guidance, I will assess if I can continue to drop
another 10-15 lbs once my original weight goal is reached. I
believe you when you say it is possible. I have had coaches before –
but you are by far the best I have ever encountered. Your style is
so subtle, encouraging, and nonjudgmental. You gently walk the
employees through conversations on nutrition, exercise, habits and
general health. It does not surprise me anymore to have you walk
me in the back door of a confession! You are smooth! But getting to the root of the
problem(s) is how you help and diagnose a “fix”. I like your
philosophy that “one thing does not work for all people”. I like
that you are well versed in many different aspects of nutrition and
health. When I turn up my nose at one suggestion, you can usually
follow it up with something more palatable (whether we are talking
food/nutrition or exercise). I like that you follow-up with me
individually regarding my progress and pitfalls through phone calls,
emails (both individual and group distributions), and one-on-ones.
I like your informational emails on health, exercise and nutrition. I like your new website – I’m “gym
user” and your response to my question on vitamins was helpful. I
like the idea of the 15-minute circuit workout. I feel like I am
getting something done, and it is SO manageable! The circuits are also
conducive to more than person working out at once – a “buddy system”
that keeps me motivated. I like the small but significant changes
you have made to the equipment in the workout room. I find myself
using the newer, simpler tools (free weights and resistance bands) and
getting RESULTS. I marvel at my arms – your quick “spot” workout
is making a difference. That keeps me motivated.
(Levent Iyican) You
are absolutely welcome to use anything I've sent you or Kathy. I'll be
happy to repeat here and to anyone you want me talk to that this is a
great health service Aera is providing us by hiring you. My experience
with you have been a greatly rewarding one. I've learned a lot and I'm
using what I've learned almost daily. I hope Aera will expand these
services by hiring you full time and even by adding more equipment and
by providing support staff for you. Exercise is an essential element for
human health and you are a top-notch trainer. Please let me know if
there is anything I can do to make this program even more successful.
(Katie Hogue)
I met with you in late June of 2005.
Shortly after I started doing the exercises and changed my diet. I have
lost 12 pounds and now workout regularly at the Aera gym and Body
Exchange. I love the 10-minute circuit you set up with me a few months
later. The core exercises are excellent and really easy. I would have
never thought of trying them on my own without some guidance.
(Joann Christensen)
I heard about the circuit training in 2005 and I was very interested in
trying it out. I kept saying to myself that I needed to set up an
appointment with you in 2005 but didn’t get around to it until 2006. I
started circuit training a couple weeks ago and I am very impressed with
its effectiveness, especially for the time invested. The training
maximizes the effectiveness of the time involved by alternating between
cardio and strength moves. During my second week of training, Terri
Burton instructed me on the Circuit #2. Our routine is to start with
Circuit #1 then follow it with Circuit #2. I also started including the
Dynamic warm-up to start our Circuit routine. I strongly believe that
we all should be doing something like this as a minimum to prevent
injuries due to falls, trips, sitting too long at computer terminals,
etc. Most of our lives are very busy, but it is not too much of a
stretch to find 10-15 minutes to do this circuit training. Also, by
incorporating this routine on a daily basis, we become more mindful of
exercise being a routine part of our life. As a result of the circuit
training, I have also started lifting free weights at home as well. I
strongly support having you on board to address this aspect of wellness
for Aera employees. My belief is that someday this type of training
will be a standard part of most companies. Thanks.
McKay) Having a fitness
expert and a wellness coach on staff at Aera is a wonderful benefit. I
do not believe other companies in town that provide a person of Ron’s
caliber to assist their employees. I know friends and acquaintances are
very envious of this wonderful benefit. Ron Jones has helped me greatly
on several fronts.
tendon: When Ron was here
before, he helped me recover from an Achilles tendon problem I had
been living with for approximately five years. Ron provided some
stretching and strengthening exercises for the Achilles that allowed
me to once again exercise and run as I had in the past. Ron said I
would see results almost immediately and within days, I had more
flexibility in my Achilles tendon than I had had in 5 years.
Unfortunately, I again injured the Achilles tendon in early 2005 (Ron
Jones was not at Aera at the time) while doing an early morning
exercise camp with a fitness club in town. I relied on some
recommendation from this exercise group and continued to run on the
Achilles tendon. The camp included hill work, high impact jumping,
jumping uphill along with running in sand and mud. These are routines
that I should have been avoiding with an inflamed Achilles tendon. I
begin to suffer from continual tendonitis problems. However, I was
not aware of the serious nature of the inflammation and went on to
begin training with Team in Training for either the Disney full or ½
marathon in early January 2006. By the time I began to work with Ron
Jones again I had a seriously injured Achilles tendon. While this is
speculation, I feel sure that if Ron had been here, his guidance
during the early stages of the injury would have led me to treat it
more seriously. Ron was able to counsel me on the problems and
ramifications of snapping my Achilles tendon. Thanks to his counsel,
I sought more medical assistance, which lead to physical therapy. Ron
also encouraged me to consider withdrawing from the marathon and the
marathon training. Thanks to his encouragement, I did not continue to
work through the pain and listened more carefully to the medical
advice I was getting. Having someone like Ron with his extensive
competitive sport background made me weigh his advice more heavily. I
withdrew from the Team and Training season and maybe avoided Achilles
tendon reattachment surgery, loss work time and a lessoning of my
ability to continue to stay fit. Ron provided many suggestions of
alternative exercise routines that I could do while protecting my
Achilles tendon. Ron reviewed the exercises I received during
physical therapy. He has also reviewed the exercise routine I am
currently doing with a fitness trainer affiliated with the physical
therapy group. He has worked one on one with me on my exercise form
during these routines and consequently I have changed the way I do the
exercises. Ron sees subtle differences in form and approach that make
a tremendous difference on the impact of an exercise routine. I feel
confident that I am getting much more out of the routines I do.
Training: I signed up for
the mini circuit training Ron gave several months ago. A fellow
employee and I do a 10-minute workout on our breaks several times a
week and I am very pleased with the results. I have improved my
strength including core strength and balance. I also have a routine I
can modify to do at home or when traveling or in off hours when I stop
by the Aera fitness center.
Maintaining a
Healthy Weight: In an
early one on one session, Ron gave me a bit of advice that I am sure
he routinely tells people. That advice has stuck with me and enabled
me to be successful at Weight Watchers and with my overall eating
habits. I have been able to maintain my weight loss.
Ron has
encourages you work on just one small modification at a time.
This enables me to relish the success I am having modifying my habits
one small step at a time. When I started getting discouraged, I
always fall back on that advice.
(Daisy Holdcraft)
I'm doing well and have incorporated some of the exercises you've taught
me in my workout. I especially want to thank you for spotting my hand
placement on the stepper & pointing it out to me. I'd been doing it
wrong for months. I slowly started the correction and I've noticed that
my back feels stronger since now there is no pressure in that area as
there was before. Thanks for your coaching and expertise.
(Kay Pitts) Provided
the tools and "permission" to strengthen my back through core exercise
to prevent future absences and provided common sense and achievable
wellness plan and goals.
(Jannine Phillips)
Thank you for all the great
information you have provided. For me personally I started
stealing your ideas as watched others being trained. Our group of four
has been going for a 20 minute workout for almost a year now, it was
really great to get the one on one training to really understand why we
were doing what we were doing and how to do it properly. I am excited
to say along with the Weight Watchers I have lost 25 pounds and not by
starving to death, or spending hours in the gym, it has been
consistently putting activity into my day even if it is 20 minutes.
Hopefully it will be less and less, my legs don't hurt and I have
actually taken the stairs on a few occasions over the last 12 months
just because. That is a miracle. Two things I found to help me
I can't afford the Time or the Fees for a Gym so Aera providing
this is the only way I would be able to do this.
The weight watchers re-taught me how to each and be accountable.
(Raj Patel) I like
the circuit exercise that you taught me. Whenever I get a chance, I'll
do the circuit exercise. Having broken ankles, I've to stay at the same
level where I am. When I'm totally cured, I'll go to the next level or
do it more aggressively. Long story short, I'm happy with what I
learned from you to keep myself fit and healthy. I'm looking forward to
learn more health and fitness tips from you.
BELRIDGE (Field Site):
(Kenny Benbow) My wife and I are still
following through with the exercise and diet program we started on July
1, 2005 (30 months). We still exercise 5 days a week for 1 hour 15
minutes per session. We found that this schedule works best for us and
we don't get burned out with the routine. We cut out all fast food and
eat mostly at home to watch our diet intake. Our weight has been stable
for the last 24 months, my wife started at 149 lbs and is now 112
lbs. Talk about rewarding herself she had to buy lots a new
clothes! I started at 222 lbs and now weigh 170. The
biggest reward for me is the visit to the doctor for a yearly checkup;
she always commends me on my heath and the time I take to maintain it!
We owe it all to you and Aera, thanks for the information and support
you have provided!
(Louis Lopez) Thanks Chris, For your
continued support of Ron Jones, and what he brings to Aera! I know there
are people out there, like I, who are/were mostly skeptical that this is
just another canned program for yuppies and a few fitness fanatics. Ron
has been such a help to me personally because I was 'desperate' enough to
be curious, but mostly because he just happened to be available in
our fitness facility. "Shoot, it's free, why not?" As an Aera
SRS-Mechanic we do some of the most physically intense and demanding work
in our organization; exercise that tears down the body, and
occasionally challenges our skill level. Yet we very rarely take the time
to do the build-up exercises and core strengthening that Ron so
aptly explains and has brought to our business. It's so sad that it took
a back injury to slow me down long enough to really notice what an asset
he is to all of us. Excellent trainer and coach! Thx Again.
First of all, I want to thank
Gene Voiland for finding you and sharing you with Aera Energy. You gave
me more hope than I have had in quite a while, through the
education that I received from our discussion. I have almost been
disillusioned by the number of therapists, specialists, and medical
professionals that, I have concluded, have fallen into the trap of doing
what they do out of routine and simply for a paycheck. Frankly, I did not
expect anything different from you, so I had hoped to be able to walk in
unnoticed, and observe you in action. Was I ever wrong! There was such a
disappointing number of people in the turnout mid-morning that I almost
left because my intentions had been foiled. I was not going to be able to
come and go unnoticed, as I had planned. I am glad now that I stayed long
enough to see if you would even acknowledge my presence. I cannot begin
to tell you how wrong I was, and I sincerely apologize for almost
putting you in the same category before giving you a chance. Please
forgive me. You are the most genuine wellness professional that I have
ever met, and your website is absolutely phenomenal! You have explained
things to me that I have never heard before... and I have been looking for
answers, believe me! Everything you said made so much sense! I not only
downloaded and printed your illustrations, from the website, but I
laminated some of the pages because I plan to keep them, and use them, for
a long, long time! Thank you for this follow-up. Another indication of
your commitment to helping people, and not just capitalism. I shared with
the TPR team this morning what a help you were, and your website address.
These guys are some of the best and most conscientious craftsmen and staff
that I have ever met and had the pleasure of working with. Their
injuries, if any, are surely the result of being self-sacrificing and so
focused on their mission as a service organization. We need your advice
and your experience, if we are to remain mobile and stabile in the years
to come. Thanks again!
Just one day short of 3 weeks since I received some personal instruction
from you about core exercises, stability and flexibility. I have a
doctor’s appointment this afternoon, and I have to say that this is the
first visit since my re-inflammation that I have experienced any
improvement from the last visit. A month ago I was slated for orthopedic
specialist and the company doctor scheduled me for pain management
specialist. Today I am experiencing less severe pain, I am taking less
pain medication, and my chief complaint is with the withdrawal symptoms
from reducing my medication. The only thing I have done differently is I
have been doing the exercises and stretching that you prescribed three
weeks ago, and I have been doing them religiously mid-morning and early
afternoon. I have noticed a marked improvement just over this last week.
Still get muscle spasms and some muscle fatigue from the muscles
throughout my back that comes from compensating, but my overall pain level
has been cut to almost half since I started doing what you said to do.
(Ken Benbow)
Last June (2005) I spoke with
you about core and stretch/warm-up exercises as I wanted to start an
exercise routine at home. My wife and I started on July 1, 2005 with a
basic routine of stretch/warm-up and core exercises along with treadmill.
We slowly expanded the routine to exercises with free weights with
increased distance on the treadmill. Along with diet change (cut out fast
food and less dinning out) in 3 months I dropped from 222 lbs to 180 lbs,
my wife from 149 lbs to 123 lbs. We currently are maintaining these
weights and continue to exercise 5 days a week for approximately 1 hour
per session. I recently had a checkup and my doctor was is very pleased
with my health, good heart rhythm, lower blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Exercise and diets are commitments not will power.
(Larry Frambrough)
Thank you for your help. I feel
that you have been very helpful. I would also like to thank you for
helping my wife. Ron, my whole life has changed due to changing the way I
manage my exercise and how I eat. The exercises you worked to show me how
I was so tight in the front and how to loosen up my back have allowed me
to start swimming again. Once you can start swimming you can really burn
some calories. My eating habits have changed now that I can exercise a
little more vigorously I have lost 6 pounds in the last three weeks, I
love the Subway 6' subs. Thanks Ron for some me the way to a better life.
2008 Update!
You will be happy to know that I was able to lightly steam
some mixed greens (Mustard, Turnip, and Collard) add garlic, lemon juice
and diced onion, to serve for dinner. I found the taste of
Broiled Garlic Chicken Breast wrapped in mixed greens quite pleasant.
I have been able to lower my triglycerides from 550 to 170 and my
cholesterol from 320 to 253.
(Chris Alcock)
Well, I was weight training (3-5x per week, several hours per day) with
sporadic cardio (hiking, running, climbing, blading, snow sports and
eating WAY too much. At one point I was 205lbs. Speaking with you last
year helped galvanize a change I was already formulating. I was just not
sure why I was training so heavy, because the activities I enjoy the most
are the cardio ones. So, I decided that if I was going to spend that
amount of time training, it should be the sort I enjoy. This year I
started Telemark skiing so that I can explore the backcountry efficiently.
It is a very challenging sport and I don't honestly think I had the
strength or endurance for it before now.
(Brent Boyce-EHS Supervisor)
I continue to participate and believe in the daily warm up
session. I have also used your core exercises to protect my low back
and it does work. Your involvement in our gym improvement at HB is
looking good and it continues to improve. I've received positive
feedback after you present health topics to my work force during the
year. Your attendance and input at the H&S Core team meetings and
training sessions has also been helpful to the group. I still
think that much of what you are doing is very much the same as I'm doing
in safety. What that means is that it’s a lot of personal choice and a
constant evolution of culture shifts among our personnel. This takes
time. And many of the successes go without recognition because they are
subtle. Much like accident prevention, as time passes folks just tend
to forget the past pain and suffering when it no longer exists. The
body, just like safety will reverse if it’s allowed to lay dormant.
(Field Site):
(Tim Rytting) First
of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to try and help
each and every person who you come in contact with. The stretching
exercises in the morning are of great value and it helps me get started
off on my daily routine. I don't seem to be as sore as I was before you
came to the lease. Your information that you gave me about eating
something 2 hours after you get up has been of great benefit also. I
don't get as hungry as a used to because I was used to not eating
anything until 11:30 am. Also you advice about getting just a small
amount of exercise a day, whether it be only 5 or 10 minutes helps also.
I started out doing that and found out that I could go for up to 1/2
hour without getting sore or my knees hurting. I would also like to
thank you for offering advice for my wife, who as you know is pregnant
and offering to talk with her on any exercises that would be beneficial
to her having the baby. I like the exercises that you have shown
everyone and I hope we continue to see a lot more of you around the
leases. Thanks again.
(Field Site):
(Tim Palmer) Since I
started doing your exercises, a persistent pain in my shoulder has
decreased significantly. I believe that as we get older, we need to
"work" at being healthy and your efforts will ensure we are able to
enjoy life after work....
(Al Mueller)
Starting everyday with the dynamic warm-up at the Ventura Unit seems to
have fostered more dialog and teamwork between the staff and hourly
folks at the Unit. It seems that during these 5 minutes a day we are on
a level playing field and perhaps see each other more as teammates
rather than separate groups with different agendas. Personally, my
workout regimen has completely changed and is now based on the movement
and balance principles that you have taught. I can feel and see a
positive difference in my physical fitness. With these new exercises, I
am also able to do more of my workout time at home with my family
participating in some of the exercises too.
(Robert Radnoti)
I have been using the dynamic
warm-up personally and with the Thousand Oaks High School Cross Country
team daily for a couple of months now. It is an integral part of our
program. The TOHS Girls Cross Country team recently won the California
Division I State Championships. The girls included the dynamic warm-up
one hour before race time at Woodward
Park in Fresno. Coming into the
meet, we were ranked #5 and taking on the top ranked team, Buchanan of
Fresno, on their home course. Our girls performed well and easily
captured the State title. Thank you very much for your work, which I
believe contributed to our championship season. Now that I am moving
onto to coaching at
University, I intend to add
dynamic warm-ups. And, I can assure you the entire Track & Field team at
Thousand Oaks High School will be doing
the dynamic warm-up prior to practice each day this spring.
(Field Site): J
(Lucas Paugh-EHS Supervisor)
Corporate Health and Wellness has become a way of life and how we
run our business at both San Ardo and Coalinga. Achieving
health and remaining healthy is an active process. This, like many other EHS
processes, has taken time to build and is starting to see some maturity.
Locally, we have incorporated the “Dynamic Warm-Up” into an
everyday morning activity with the Aera workforce. We have taken vast
strides and seen massive improvements in our EHS performance. Furthermore,
we have implemented work out facilities at both San Ardo and Coalinga. Both
are outfitted with various types of weights and fitness equipment again to
promote the physical fitness for our everyday tasks.
Another example of culture change is the menu transformation
of food selection. With taking nutrition into account, junk and
“empty” calorie foods have been phased out of the business in San
Ardo and Coalinga. Those who have attended any of my meetings know that
there will be a healthy choice and variety of fruits and juices to choose
from. The so called ‘donut’ era is a thing of the past!
Lastly, I have leveraged Ron in front of my whole contractor
workforce. The work groups have been very receptive to the information he
portrays out to them. He is always very well prepared for my meetings and
keeps a very captive audience when he is presenting. Considering a lot of
his topics are very cutting edge and real life (MRSA, Body Art), this has
taken off and the group always asks when he is coming back to present some
new information in the health and wellness world.
As a big promoter of the process, we will continue to use
and implement health and wellness at San Ardo and Coalinga. On a daily
basis, I hear from my employees the positive feedback of what the process is
doing for them. As we move into another exciting year,
ergonomics/health/wellness is a focus area for us and we are looking forward
to working with Ron to meet our goals in good health.
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(Updated 5.3.08)