Lodema Kitchen
Lodema has been a great student in my Shape Up class. She always wants to learn the latest information about health and fitness and truly believes in the importance of optimal health. Her enthusiasm gets me stoked! Ron Jones, July 2002 Lodema wrote: I was a relatively inactive child who did not participate in athletic activities but did do a little dancing from time to time. As an adult I began to exercise some on my own. I went to the gym occasionally off and on. I also took various kinds of dance classes now and then but nothing very intensive or sustained. I discovered tennis as an older adult and enjoy it a lot, although I'm a very mediocre player. As a senior citizen, I began noticing difficulty with stairs and getting from a seated position. I began working out regularly at a gym and it really increased my strength. I kept it up for over a year but discontinued it when I developed a shoulder problem. Carol Bambrook told me about Shape Up and it has been a boon to me! I still play some tennis and work in the yard and I love doing it all. |
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