2004 BC Renegades

"ALL body
movements start in your core--so should your physical training!"
BC Renegades in partner inverted
push ups
“Nothing great was
ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

I recommend PerformBetter
High-Quality Fitness Equipment!
Testimonials & Comments Thanks!

Post-Program Survey Results
No matter how your body moves--it starts in your core. Your "core" is your
trunk or mid-section from waist to chest all the way around--front, sides,
and back. Your coaches have asked me to help with pre-season core
conditioning because increased core development will improve ALL your movements!
This is called
Training" which is fitness you can use!
Optimal movement is a balance of stability
(ability to control motion) and mobility (freedom of movement around a joint or
body segment). "Balance" is the key. If you have too much stability
and over-powering strength--you sacrifice mobility. If you have excessive
mobility without stability--you can't control your movements. We are
working on both by strengthening your core and opening up your joints with
mobility exercises that also challenge your core muscles. When you balance
core stability and joint mobility--you move better, waste less energy, and move
If you are another football team looking over this program great, but do NOT
assume that you can start in from the get go at random without professional
instruction! I am personally teaching these exercises, safety, technique,
proper load intensity/progression, and the mental skills needed for success in
this program over the course of weeks. Most of what we do is not even on
this page. These examples are to assist players that have worked directly
with me or others that are working with an equivalent professional fitness
conditioning specialist. If you would like me to work with your team for a
day, a week, or a month, please
contact me
for arrangements.
Ron Jones, MS
"Intensity reveals
--Steve Ilg, Fitness Guru
Weekly Comments & Training Tips: Check
out my weekly summaries and tips for how you guys are doing and what we will be
doing in the days to come.
Questions & Answers: Some of you have had great
questions that shows me you are "thinking" about your training. Click link to
see what your teammates have been asking.
Core/Mobility/Strength Photos (See
the list of my "body weight" exercises + directions)
CORE Conditioning Intro Program
Movement Prep Exercises:
These are the foundation of our program. Through movement, they challenge
your core to get strong while challenging your joints to open up with more
functional mobility. Many "strong" football players have a weak core
and restricted mobility in hips, back, and shoulders which means they can't move
efficiently. It is important that you work on improving core and
mobility daily so you can move better! This program is correcting basic movement
patterns--which will then allow you to perform better in the weight room and on
the football field. The Movement Prep is designed as an active warm-up.
Do them "before" you workout. At first they will be a workout! After
you master them, they will just be a warm-up that prepares you to move better in
your other activities.
Training: If you would like to learn more about "functional training"
and core exercises, please visit this section on my website for handouts,
graphics, links, and resources by clicking on the preceding title.
Functional Training Equipment: Some of you have asked
about where to buy some of the things that I'm bringing out. These are my
links for purchasing equipment:
Player-Requested Handouts:
"Homework" Articles--Read & Improve:
Book Recommendations for "High-Performance" Training:
(These are the references I use)
"What was hard to do is sweet to remember."
Matrix Programs:
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(Updated 9.22.06)