Therapy Tools |
Review Notes
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Ankle Bands
(4 Resistance Levels)
Therapy Use:
Simple tools
for increasing hip stability which can decrease knee injuries.
These have been very helpful for
stepping exercises that use "hip abduction" where you pull the legs away
from your center line while walking in different patterns. Many people
"collapse" their legs into the center line which puts the knees under stress
for ACL injuries, etc. By increasing "abduction" strength, you can
potentially decrease knee stress and prevent knee injuries.
Cost: »$2.00/each
Usage Links: NA
Purchase Link:
(Item #6540) |
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Biofoam Rollers-Soft Cell
(1' & 3' Lengths)
Therapy Use:
Soft tissue regeneration and healing by rolling slowly along body areas that need
Miofascial release.
Comments: Two main points
1) they work, and 2) they hurt when you first begin! I cannot deny
that proper use of a roller can have some amazing results in just days;
however, most people will not use them after the first trial because of the
pain involved. I've been taught that the more they hurt--the more tissue
damage you have, and the more you need them. After about a week or so the pain starts to go away as the
tissues get healed--or that's what the experts say. There are two
basic types--the "soft cell" versions that are white and softer (less
painful) or the "molded" versions that are charcoal black and harder (more
painful). True-the molded ones do last longer without becoming compressed or
deformed plus they won't show dirt like the white ones, but the downside to
the molded versions is that they hurt more. I prefer the white soft cell
Usage Links:
PerformBetter, or even better, check out Mike
"Self Myofascial Release Techniques" which is the BEST resource I've
seen on rollers and other soft tissue tools.
Cost: »$8 (1')
»$18 (3')
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #2031) |
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Biofoam Roller-Molded 1/2
Therapy Use:
Used for placing the foot with
Z-Health Toe Pull exercises.
Comments: While these are
cheaper than the Cathe Fitness Balls, they tend to slide around on the
floor. The sand filling in the Cathe balls make them ideal, but if you need
to do group trainings, the budget 1/2 rolls will do the job.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$6
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #2070) |
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Item: Body Blade-CoreX
Trainer (3'4")
Therapy Use:
Shoulder stabilization and rehab
I prefer the shorter "CoreX" sport version, but they also are available in
shorter and longer lengths.
They have whole workout programs
with these, but the blade is fairly hard to activate for most people and a
little boring. They have some decent application for rehab though. It's not
one of my popular therapy tools, but for some, the Body Blade has been
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$60
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #3856) |
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Item: Cathe Weighted
Fitness Ball (2lbs.)
Therapy Use:
Used for placing the foot with
Z-Health Toe Pull exercises.
Comments: I embarrassed
to think I'm actually recommending pink exercise balls on my site, but I think this is
the ultimate Toe Pull prop! Many people cannot place their foot directly on
the ground while inverted. Many props like air-filled balls or even the 1/2
roll can slide around too much. The Cathe Ball is great because it's soft,
and when you place it on the ground, the sand center will flatten out a bit
preventing it from rolling around. They do not have good quality control for
the consistent amount of sand encased in each ball; therefore, I recommend
physically taking it out of the box to make sure it is soft enough. I had to
take a few back because they had so much sand that the ball was too hard.
They also work great for people with hand-grip problems. People with
arthritis or hand/wrist injuries often cannot grip a regular dumbbell or
other iron weight.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$11
Purchase Link:
Cathe Fitness (Product #1219400) |
Correct Toes
Therapy Use:
Increases joint mobility of
Comments: Similar to
YogaToes below but much easier to wear and use, so as with Yoga Toes, I
think most people have "cramped toes" from wearing shoes too often--and the
wrong shoes! Toes that cannot spread can decrease your stabilization and
gait quality. I believe it is VERY important to have better base of support
coming right off the ground from your toes.
If you wear narrow toe box dress shoes or western boots, etc., your toes are
probably in need of some serious release!
Usage Links: Just put them in & feel the spread!
Cost: »$70 (Pricey but easier
to use)
Purchase Link:
Northwest Foot &
CrossCore 180 Rotational Trainer
Therapy Use:
Like a lot of "fitness tools," the CrossCore 180 also has some nice
corrective applications. There is one exercise in particular that has
worked great for my clients with shoulder problems--the
"Retraction/Rotation" drill which is entirely unique to this pulley system.
Comments: Everyone that
has tried the "Retraction/Rotation" drill has liked it--even those with
shoulder injury histories. I'll post a demo video soon.
Usage Link: To Be Posted ASAP
Cost: »$250
Purchase Link:
Disc-O-Sit Cushion
Therapy Use:
Helps to correct postural deviations produced by 90 degree seat angles.
The Disc-O-Sit will get you closer to the 60 degree hip angle much like with
an equestrian position.
Comments: We are
ruining our spines and postures with all this slouching and sitting! A
healthier position is going to be 60 degrees instead of 90 degrees.
Pilot projects with Iowa school children using the Disc-O-Sit
(@ 3:15) show very positive results with
posture improving!
Usage Links: Just sit on it with long spine!
School Pilot Video:
Jefferson County, Iowa
Cost: »$35
Purchase Link:
Dynamic Warm-Up/Joint Mobility
Therapy Use: I'm a firm
believer in performing DAILY dynamic joint mobility exercises as part of
your self-help therapy--it's absolutely THE BEST preventative measure you
can use to keep moving well and aging well. While not actually a "tool," if
you do daily joint mobility exercises, you might not even need the tools on
this page!!! Also, the proper use of kettlebells can have many
corrective benefits that can decrease or eliminate the need for therapy
tools as well.
Comments: There are many dynamic warm-up routines available,
my Ron Jones DWU is just a very simplified
version--yet very effective. My DVD has been shipped to 8 countries and over
23 states so far! For more precision and detailed joint mobility,
check into the Z-Health system which can take you to the next
Cost: RJ DWU is $35. Z-Health DVD/Workbook packages
start @ $85.
Purchase Links:
Ron Jones DWU or
Z-Health Performance Solutions |
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Item: D-Ball STD 5"
Gripper (2 lbs.)
Therapy Use:
This is a specialized weighted exercise ball that is
filled with sand. I don't use it for exercise though--I use it for
trigger point release in the spine areas. It's the best ball I've
found for helping back pain from trigger point release. If you need a
smaller ball, use the lacrosse ball.
Comments: This is one of
the most unique balls I have found for trigger point release. While both the
Cathe Ball and D-Ball are sand filled, the Cathe Ball has a very soft outer
lining that makes it worthless for trigger point release. The D-Ball has a
fairly hard plastic outer lining that makes it much better for releasing
those tight trigger points. You can stand upright with the D-Ball
behind your back while you roll it around or lay flat on the floor with it
under your back or other areas. They are pricey but worth it in my
opinion because of what they can do. One of my clients eliminated his
chronic back pain just by rolling on a D-Ball while upright next to a
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$33
Purchase Link:
D-Ball |
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Item: Diver Weights-Sea
Pearls (4 lbs.)
Therapy Use: I use "Sea Pearl" soft diving weights
to teach people the Turkish Get Up for rehabilitative and corrective purposes.
The soft weight is less threatening than the kettlebell for beginners but
heavy enough to provide feedback on the vertical line needed for the
extended arm overhead. In my opinion, they can work better than a light KB
or shoe that other people use to teach beginners.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$20
Purchase Link:
Sports Chalet (Walk In
purchase only) |
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Item: FlexBar
Therapy Use:
Tennis elbow rehab
Comments: These are thick rubber cylinders that
come in various resistance levels. They are used for gripping and
twisting exercises helpful for tennis elbow rehab and other related elbow
conditions. In brief, the
key to fixing Tennis Elbow is finding the correct "light" resistance to
slowly build up the tendon strength without causing further inflammation.
The FlexBars are unique in the way they allow one to twist and load the
elbows--varied resistance levels let you find the right fit for the
individual. *Tip: Go "light" before getting carried away with "heavy" when it
comes to Tennis Elbow because otherwise you can do more harm than good!
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$8-22
Purchase Link:
Amazon |
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Item: FootLog
Therapy Use:
Great tool for fixing Plantar Fasciitis and improving
neurological function in your feet--especially for diabetics.
Comments: I've got far
too many great things to say about the FootLog in this limited space! Make
sure to visit my section below for details and demo video!!!
Usage Links:
RJ's Plantar Fasciitis Section or
Cost: »$25
Purchase Link:
FootLog |
Item: Jungle Gym XT Suspension Trainer
Therapy Use:
Great for assisted strength and
stabilization. The Jungle Gym is much easier for foot/leg exercises
than the similar TRX Suspension Trainer--and less expensive.
unit is a snap to use with foot exercises compared to TRX. I think the
TRX is very awkward with foot insertions. I also like the handles of
the Jungle Gym much better because they can be wiped off and cleaned
properly unlike the "spongy" handles of TRX units.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$100+
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #7826) |
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Indian Clubs-Package (1 pair each 1lbs. & 2lbs. + DVD)
Therapy Use:
Increasing wrist, elbow,
shoulder mobility and strength
Comments: Ancient fitness
tools yet still effective. Works best for shoulders but also helps
core and overall movement and function.
Usage Links: Hit
my friend
Maguire @ Agelesstrength who has two DVDs available and more products on
the way!
Cost: »$90
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Intro Package
Item #3515) or for larger and classic wood clubs, visit
Revolution Clubs |
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Item: INDO Board-Mini
Original Kit
Therapy Use: Moderate ankle mobility
and stability challenge when used with the air disc under the flat board, and
more difficult challenge when used with the roller option.
There are many other applications for the INDO Board
too, but I think they can be a great tool for ankle rehab specifically.
This is one of the BEST fitness tools I've seen in years for inspiring
today's youth to be more active in school physical education! I'll be
writing more on the INDO school programs soon!
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$165
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #9181) |
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Item: Kettlebells
Therapy Use:
While normally thought of a fitness
tools, KBs are also great rehab and corrective tools when used properly.
Usage Links:
Kettlebell Section
Cost: Varies greatly by weight & shipping destination. KBs
run »$2-4.50 per pound. Standard poundage
is »18-53 pounds (8-24KG). See my KB section
above for details. Monkey NOT for sale!
Purchase Link:
Lifeline (Best Value), or
PerformBetter (Entry Level Item #3820) |
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Item: Lacrosse Ball
Therapy Use:
Trigger point release
Comments: Commonly found at
sporting goods stores. They are larger than a golf ball but smaller than a
baseball. Great for smaller areas needing trigger point release.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$3
Purchase Link: Easily found at most
sporting goods stores. |
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Item: MarV Handles-Shoulder
Therapy Kit
Therapy Use:
Elbow strength
These are specialized handles made by a physical therapist
for the rehab of tennis elbow type conditions. The unique shape of the handles
allow for "multiple vector" training angles. Basically--they work. I've
used them with numerous clients, and most get favorable results with elbow
Usage Links:
Cost: »$30
Purchase Link:
Amazon |
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Item: Neti Pot-Eco
Therapy Use:
Nasal cleanse of sinus cavities
I thought it was a ridiculous idea at first, but
I have found over the years that Neti Pots are indeed valuable tools for
nasal health—especially if one suffers
from chronic sinus or allergy problems.
Print my Neti Pot
Handout for more information.
Usage Links:
Cost: »$14
Purchase Link:
Himalayan Institute |
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Item: Physio Roll
Therapy Use:
Stretching and strength with
increased stabilization.
These are oval-shaped stability balls also called "Peanut" balls. Their
oblong shape makes them more stable than round balls and thus safer for certain populations. They are
difficult to find now, so I don't have an active link.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: NA
Purchase Link: I can't find anyone that
makes these anymore. If you find a source, please let me know! |
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Item: ProStretch
Therapy Use:
Assisted stretching of calf and
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$24
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #2276) |
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Slide Pads-Valslides & Generic
Therapy Use:
Assisted stretching
Simple idea with awesome benefits. They
allow you to "slide" into extended ranges of motion for deeper stretching. They
also allow you to get into positions that you could never get into with a
sliding option. These can sometimes be helpful for certain problem areas that
are hard to reach with standard stretching or when working alone without anyone
to help position your body. To save money, the old fashioned "furniture slides"
are basically the same thing for much cheaper. You can find the cheaper versions
at Lowe's, etc. The official fitness versions are called "Valslides."
Usage Links:
Cost: Varies from a few dollars for generic to
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Valslides Item #1350) or hardware stores for generic
version |
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Stability Ball
Therapy Use: Great for spinal
extension and shoulder extension.
Many of my clients lay on top of the ball "face
up" the gently extend their spine backwards over the ball to stretch. You
can add a shoulder stretch too by reaching arms out--they work even better
for shoulders if you change arm positions like positions on a clock. The
ball is unique in that it is off the floor which allows for more extension
but while offering support. If the round ball is too unstable, try the
peanut-shaped "Physio Roll."
I've tried different brands of resistance
balls, but the best I've found to hold up over time without losing air
pressure is the original Resist-A-Ball which was one of the first stability
balls on the market when they first hit large distribution.
PerformBetter is a good option too.
Usage Links:
RJ's Stability Ball Section
Cost: »$25
Purchase Links:
Resist-A-Ball or
PerformBetter (Fitball Sport Item #9183) |
Therapy Use: Nice assistive tools for stabilization
work but can also be used for fitness in general.
I've been using bands for years. There are many different styles
for different purposes. These are quick and easy and have some
applications that cannot be performed with bands that have actual "handles"
on the ends.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$12-39
PurchaseLinks: PerformBetter(Superbands
Item #6535) |
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Item: The Rotater
Therapy Use:
Shoulder stretch
This is a unique looking manual stretch device created by
two industrial mechanics. It works great to stretch your shoulder in positions
impossible to reach by yourself. While a bit pricey, The Rotater can get your
shoulders into positions impossible with any other tool--and it can do it
safely and gently due to its unique design. The leverage generated with
"minimal" pressure is amazing. Construction is quality--would you expect
anything less from industrial mechanics' tools?!!!
Usage Links:
The Rotater
Cost: »$60
Purchase Link:
The Rotater |
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Item: The Stick-17"
Travel Stick Model
Therapy Use:
"Rolling" trigger point release
Great for trigger point release and
general tissue maintenance!
What I like about The Stick vs. a Biofoam Roller is that it's easier to
adjust the pressure you are putting into the damaged areas. The
Biofoam Rollers can hurt like hell, but with The Stick, it's easy to back
off the pressure. The downside? You might not be able to get enough pressure
on certain areas--but then you can go to the roller or one of the other
balls I recommend.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$28
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #9718) |
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Item: Theracane
Therapy Use:
"Pinpoint" trigger point release
Another odd looking tool that works great for reaching areas previously
impossible to get to by yourself. You can reach ANY spot on your body for
precise and deep trigger point release--low back, mid back, between shoulder
blades, glutes, or anywhere else. The leverage design makes it possible to
apply significant pressure with very little force--all with excellent precision.
Usage Links:
Cost: »$30
Purchase Link:
Amazon |
Item: TRX-Rip
Therapy Use:
Dynamic stability in 3-D patterns or isometric holds.
Great for core and WHOLE body applications.
Comments: Often used for fitness
training, the TRX Rip Trainer is great for stabilization, rotational
patterns, anti-rotation stability, and more--plus it can be a great fitness
training tool too. From a corporate and injury prevention position, I
think this is one of the best tools I've seen in a long time because it can
easily be adapted and used for everyone from a detrained senior to advanced
athletic training. I've been VERY impressed with it so far!
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$190
Purchase Link:
Amazon |
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Item: TRX-Suspension Training
Pro Pack
Therapy Use:
Assisted stretching
through dynamic movements.
Comments: Another
"fitness tool" that I'm listing here for therapy. Using simple body
weight and straps, you can do a great job moving through various shoulder
and spine positions. I prefer to use "dynamic" stretching where you
sort of "pry" in and out of ranges of motion, but it is possible to static
stretch as well.
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$190
Purchase Link:
PerformBetter (Item #2030) |
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Vibram Five Fingers
Therapy Use:
Increases strength and improves
neurological function of feet
Comments: I'm all about
the Foot Fitness! There is a
lot more to foot fitness than shoes, but in short, VFFs
can help
fix your weak feet by making them STRONG. Visit my
"Foot Fitness"
for all my foot info and other comments on
Usage Links: Just start walking! J
Cost: Varies by model from »$85-125+
Purchase Link:
or local retailers. Sport Chalet now carries VFFs at many locations in
California. |
Item: Yoga Strap
or Stretch Strap
Therapy Use:
Assisted stretching
Comments: Not something I use a
lot, but they work well for groin opening exercises, etc. I like the
official "yoga" versions that are canvas because they are more comfortable
to hold, but the "official" stretching strap is nice too because there are
looped handles along the strap that might make it easier for some to hold
Usage Links: NA
Cost: »$17
Purchase Link: Hit up your local Yoga
studio for the official canvas strap or
PerformBetter (Stretch Strap Item #9251) |
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Item: Yoga Toes-Original
Therapy Use:
Increases joint mobility of
Comments: I think most
people have "cramped toes" from wearing shoes too often--and the wrong
shoes! Toes that cannot spread can decrease your stabilization and gait
quality. I believe it is VERY important to have better base of support
coming right off the ground from your toes. While these are one of the
most "odd" therapy tools I recommend, they can do wonders to help your feet.
If you wear narrow toe box dress shoes or western boots, etc., your toes are
probably in need of some serious release!
Usage Links: Just put them in & feel the spread!
Cost: »$40
Purchase Link:
YogaPro |