Ron Jones: Push Up Exercises
Directions: Perform my
Dynamic Warm-Up
exercises at “beginning” of workout for maximum benefit and improvement. Note: Some of the push ups are easy and some are extremely difficult. Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your body! In addition to working arms, chest, and shoulders, push ups are very core oriented. “Core” is the trunk area from waist to chest, front, sides, and back—all the way around.
Body Weight Only:
(Note: Sections below still under construction)
Stability Ball Push-Ups: *(Can vary hand positions)
Medicine Ball Push-Ups:
Partner Push-Ups:
Plyometric Push-Ups:
These exercises are intended for "normal healthy"
individuals and many are only intended for competitive athletes. RonJones.Org | Back to BodyXercise Library | Site Map (Updated 11.28.07) |
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